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mardi 28 septembre 2010

chessblogger: BC Active Championship 2010 – poisoned pawns and b...

chessblogger: BC Active Championship 2010 – poisoned pawns and b...: "A couple of weeks ago I participated in the BC Active Championship, which was won by Vicente Lee, second year in a row. I lost to speed ches..."

chessblogger: Sacrifice on April Fool’s day

chessblogger: Sacrifice on April Fool’s day: "Black to move r4rk1/pbq2pp1/7p/1B6/3pP3/6b1/PPP1Q1P1/R1B2R1K b - - 0 22 This game was a decisive one in a BC CYCC (Canadian youth champions..."

chessblogger: Chess - tactics serving strategy

chessblogger: Chess - tactics serving strategy: "Jiganchine – Jack Cheng, Keres Memorial 2008 Black to move. How to best deal with the attack against the b5 pawn?In this position, typical ..."

chessblogger: Game from Canadian Chess Junior Championship 2002 ...

chessblogger: Game from Canadian Chess Junior Championship 2002 ...: "Some losses are just not fun to go back and look at! Some of them are just plain depressing, but there is always a good lesson to be learned..."

chessblogger: Unexpected Exchange Sacrifice - Video

chessblogger: Unexpected Exchange Sacrifice - Video: "Jiganchine,Roman (2246) - Lipnowski Michael (1799) [E69] Canadian Junior (7), 05.01.2002, Winnipeg We often read in chess books about 'pos..."

chessblogger: Knight sacrifice in Sicilian Defence - video

chessblogger: Knight sacrifice in Sicilian Defence - video: "Jiganchine – Change He Li, Vancouver, 2008. White to move rnb2rk1/2qnbppp/pp2p3/3pP3/P2N1P2/2N1BB2/1PP3PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 13 Black has som..."

chessblogger: Keres Memorial 2010 games - with Videos

chessblogger: Keres Memorial 2010 games - with Videos: "Keres Memorial 2010 was held last weekend in Richmond, British Columbia. While last year I wrote up a summary with diagrams, this time I ins..."

chessblogger: Spoiled Sacrifice in a Blitz Game

chessblogger: Spoiled Sacrifice in a Blitz Game: "DDT3000 – pirulo, 2010, ICC, 3 minutes per game White to move This is a typical IQP position, with one pair of minor pieces gone off the b..."

chessblogger: Analysing the endgame – looking for turning points...

chessblogger: Analysing the endgame – looking for turning points...: "The logic of any given chess game usually does not become apparent until you dig deeper into it move by move. It takes time to understand th..."

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play: "When your opponent is playing the opening of a chess game almost without thinking, it is hard to imagine that he is making severe blunders a..."

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings: "During Canadian Chess Championship in 2002, I had a pretty odd incident related to memorizing opening variations. In round 4 game I forgot m..."

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play: "When your opponent is playing the opening of a chess game almost without thinking, it is hard to imagine that he is making severe blunders a..."

chessblogger: Tarrasch – Rubinstein, 1911, active rook in the en...

chessblogger: Tarrasch – Rubinstein, 1911, active rook in the en...: "Black to move I recently posted a youtube video about this classical game, watch it to see the answer:"

chessblogger: ChessBase in Silverlight

chessblogger: ChessBase in Silverlight: "Chessbase finally has re-written their database software using one Microsoft’s latest technologies – Silverlight. You can “install” it by go..."

chessblogger: Improving time management in a chess game

chessblogger: Improving time management in a chess game: "You can’t improve what you can’t measure. I recommend keeping track of the time you spent during the game. Once you get into the habit of ad..."

chessblogger: How to prepare for a Chess Tournament

chessblogger: How to prepare for a Chess Tournament: "If you are a professional tournament player, or very active in chess competitions, you are probably jumping from tournament to tournament so..."

chessblogger: Book Review - Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Game...

chessblogger: Book Review - Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Game...: "My blog entries are usually driven by analyzing games, and I must have not done much of that in the last month or so, thus the shortage of p..."

chessblogger: Chess database formats - PGN vs. Chessbase

chessblogger: Chess database formats - PGN vs. Chessbase: "In what format do you store your chess data? This question has plagued me for years, so I finally decided to blurb it all out. There are at ..."

chessblogger: 10 steps to a Better Chess Opening Repertoire

chessblogger: 10 steps to a Better Chess Opening Repertoire: "Write it down, and then print it out. Begin by recording what you know already, and build on that. Don’t be afraid that some parts of it ar..."

chessblogger: Becoming a chess master

chessblogger: Becoming a chess master: "What is involved in becoming a chess master, and why is that so hard for most people? What differentiates a master from an expert, and what ..."

chessblogger: 10 tips for Analysing your Chess Games

chessblogger: 10 tips for Analysing your Chess Games: "One of the major ways of studying chess in our Russian “chess school” in the nineties was analyzing your own games. That got me into believi..."

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings: "During Canadian Chess Championship in 2002, I had a pretty odd incident related to memorizing opening variations. In round 4 game I forgot m..."

vendredi 24 septembre 2010

First GM: The trained thinker

First GM: The trained thinker: "Try this analogy. You are a non swimmer and have never been in a swimming pool in your life. You go through this lesson on how to float in w..."

First GM: Question to the technical analysts

First GM: Question to the technical analysts: "If Mas had played Qe3 on his last move before accepting draw, would it have made a difference?"

First GM: A 2200 beats a 2600

First GM: A 2200 beats a 2600: "Jimmy covers it here. 2200 is his technical strength. How do we measure his mental fighting strength? ps: I like Jimmy's commentaries. He ..."

mardi 14 septembre 2010

First GM: Further along the road

First GM: Further along the road: "Hey, we are doing well with tournaments. New milestones by Hamid/Najib team at Datmo. Congratulations. Not to mention the amazing array of t..."

First GM: Who is the go to person now?

First GM: Who is the go to person now?: "I wanted to stay out of this fray because of the obvious futility of it. Read here. But I suddenly wondered, who is the go to person now? Ha..."

First GM: Sunday musings

First GM: Sunday musings: "I remember a conversation I had in Subic Bay. I guess this sort of things happen alot during holidays. :) This guy was saying he was told b..."

First GM: More Sunday musings

First GM: More Sunday musings: "Every year a Malay couple friend visits us for Raya and we go out for makan or just hang out. They have a boy now in Standard one. The mum w..."

First GM: Change

First GM: Change: "Change. I need to change but how? What to change? I saw these words on a young girls notepad many years ago at a seminar. I cant remember wh..."

First GM: Olympiad

First GM: Olympiad: "There has been new comment here. I think it merits some consideration. Read here."

First GM: When the mind is still

First GM: When the mind is still: "I once played in an International Bridge tournament conducted online. My partner and I were a scratch pair having quickly come together for ..."

First GM: "Chess people are wierd"

First GM: "Chess people are wierd": "I was playing bridge online last night and reading the comments on this blog when a penny dropped. Bridge and Chess are actually quite diffe..."

First GM: When we acknowledge our weaknesses

First GM: When we acknowledge our weaknesses: "Part of the training I give to Mark is to always admit your weaknesses. Actually when you do it does not mean you are weak. It just means yo..."

First GM: Why many of our kids leave chess

First GM: Why many of our kids leave chess: "Some possible reasons. 1. In America you take a stone and throw it randomly and chances are you will hit someone in the mental health care...."