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mercredi 10 novembre 2010

chessblogger: Studying chess in Miami

chessblogger: Studying chess in Miami: "I have not posted on my blog for a while, I was on vacation in Miami, and had little time for writing new entries. I’ve however been study..."

chessblogger: Chess Position Trainer – test your opening knowled...

chessblogger: Chess Position Trainer – test your opening knowled...: "I have written a fair bit about how you’d want to be careful about choosing the openings that you play and opening preparation in general. B..."

chessblogger: 10 tips for Analysing your Chess Games

chessblogger: 10 tips for Analysing your Chess Games: "One of the major ways of studying chess in our Russian “chess school” in the nineties was analyzing your own games. That got me into believi..."

chessblogger: Becoming a chess master

chessblogger: Becoming a chess master: "What is involved in becoming a chess master, and why is that so hard for most people? What differentiates a master from an expert, and what ..."

chessblogger: Bishop Sacrifice in Panov Attack (Caro-Kann)

chessblogger: Bishop Sacrifice in Panov Attack (Caro-Kann): "One of the main points of playing blitz on the internet is to go over finished games, and draw certain conclusions from them. I learned a fa..."

chessblogger: Why you should not trust chess database statistics...

chessblogger: Why you should not trust chess database statistics...: "Have a look at this position, which arises in Panov Attack in the Caro-Kann, or from some lines of Queen’s Gambit Declined. 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d..."

chessblogger: Opening preparation – gaining advantage on the clo...

chessblogger: Opening preparation – gaining advantage on the clo...: "When I play tournament games, I usually record the time I spent on critical moments of the game. Having the record of how much time I spent ..."

chessblogger: Opening preparation – surprise your opponent

chessblogger: Opening preparation – surprise your opponent: "One of the most serious books on openings is 'Opening preparation' by Dvoretsky and Yusupov. The authors talk more about the methods of stud..."

chessblogger: ChessBase Light 2009 – Prepare against opponent

chessblogger: ChessBase Light 2009 – Prepare against opponent: "ChessBase Light 2009, which came out recently, is not really fundamentally different from ChessBase Light 2007, but has a couple of nice fea..."

chessblogger: BC Championship 2009

chessblogger: BC Championship 2009: "I competed in the 2009 BC Closed Championship last weekend. Thank you, Stephen, for running the tournament again, and providing the crosstab..."

chessblogger: Chessbase Light 2009 – create custom shortcuts

chessblogger: Chessbase Light 2009 – create custom shortcuts: "I use Chessbase Light for creating diagrams for this blog. Certain operations, such as copying a diagram to later paste it into Windows Live..."

chessblogger: Opening disaster video

chessblogger: Opening disaster video: "If you ever studied Riga variation of the Open variation of the Spanish opening (quite a mouthful!), you’d have known this position and know..."

chessblogger: Mastering the Endgame – Understanding Typical Stru...

chessblogger: Mastering the Endgame – Understanding Typical Stru...: "If you have read the book “Mastering the Endgame” by Mikhail Shereshevsky, there is little new for you in this post. Otherwise, I’d like to ..."

chessblogger: 10 Reasons to Build an Opening Repertoire

chessblogger: 10 Reasons to Build an Opening Repertoire: "I’ve been alluding to the importance of building an opening repertoire by talking about various methods of doing it, but I have not actually..."

chessblogger: Turning Chess Knowledge into Playing Strength

chessblogger: Turning Chess Knowledge into Playing Strength: "It often happens that a chess player studies a lot, but the rating does not go up. On the other hand, sometimes one just plays in tournament..."

chessblogger: How to prepare for a Chess Tournament

chessblogger: How to prepare for a Chess Tournament: "If you are a professional tournament player, or very active in chess competitions, you are probably jumping from tournament to tournament so..."

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play

chessblogger: Bluff in chess - refuting opponent’s opening play: "When your opponent is playing the opening of a chess game almost without thinking, it is hard to imagine that he is making severe blunders a..."

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings

chessblogger: Memorizing Chess Openings: "During Canadian Chess Championship in 2002, I had a pretty odd incident related to memorizing opening variations. In round 4 game I forgot m..."

chessblogger: Creating Opening Repertoire in ChessBase

chessblogger: Creating Opening Repertoire in ChessBase: "I already wrote about how to better manager your repertoire as well as why you need to build your repertoire in the first place, but this vi..."

mardi 9 novembre 2010

chessblogger: Chess Position Trainer – Show Novelties

chessblogger: Chess Position Trainer – Show Novelties: "Once you created an opening repertoire in Chess Position Trainer (or imported it from elsewhere), you can cross-reference it against the dat..."