Some tricks for better sleep
As recently as six months ago, which was the better part of a year after
moving to Manhattan, I clung on to the silly idea that I wanted to try and
have a ...
Bravo Vugar !
Stéphane Drolet*a publié sur*Vugar Gashimov
Well done , and good luck for your up-coming match and let not be disturb
by Paco V comments ;-) fan, toma...-;...
En conférence à Londres
Les 6 et 7 décembre, à Londres, s’est tenu le deuxième London Chess
Conference. Un meeting qui réunissait de nombreux acteurs internationaux
autour d’un ...
Invaders and helpers
Black to move
1k6/1b3p1p/p7/3qp3/Np5Q/4BP2/PPP3rP/R4K2 b - - 1 26
Jean-Marc Degraeve vs. Laurent Guidarelli (2003)
Source Chessable The Checkmate Patt...
Chess Basics 1.9 Castling your King
Castling your King is the 9th video tutorial on chess basics. Here we learn
about castling king side and queen side. When we can, and when we can't
castle ...
Best Tactics of 2017 Book
This new publication is a collection of nearly 500 best combinations played
by strong chess players in tournaments that took place in 2017. To see the
Connaissez-vous Abby Marshall ?
Cette jeune américaine de 18 ans vient de remporter le très prisé "Denker
Tournament of High School Champions" qui s'est déroulé à Indianapolis du
1er au ...
Who is behind this MCF watch blog?
Ref: Here.
*The Enemy within.*
Who are the people behind this blog? The old timers will know so let me
help the newer people in chess understand what is ...
Openings and endings
*The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, *
*Moves on*
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
I was looking for a theme for today's post, and nearly picked th...
Lirik Lagu Secret Love Song
*Lirik Lagu Secret Love Song*
When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?...
Ronde 9 ICN
Le crelel 4 remporte sa première victoire avec un beau 3.5-0.5 ou 11-5
Il n'y a que moi qui ne ramène pas le point entier alors que j'ai une
partie archi-g...
Pieces Schmieces
Last weekend at the Tim Just Winter Open, I was up a piece in three games
and only won one of them. However, I also managed to win a game when I was
down ...
Casses-têtes chessbase
Comme tous les ans, chessbase propose une position par jour entre noël et
jour de l'an, avec des prixpour ceux qui enverront les meilleures solutions
Ceux qui croient que la défense Française est tranquille feraient bien de
réviser leurs certitudes. Les pièges tactiques, les dames piègées, et les
Championnats de France Jeunes 2012 à Nîmes
Après une bien trop longue absence de publications sur ChessCake ces
derniers temps ( entre les études, les matchs par équipes et les autres
activités, pas...
Free Superfast Wifi for NYC visitors
[image: One of the new Link NYC kiosks.]
Free Superfast Wifi Goes Live in 4,500 locations in NYC Via LinkNYC
I saw this very Wifi kiosk in operation and...
Eswatini chess prepares children for future
The Eswatini Chess Federation was chartered in 2006 and joined FIDE in
2011. The federation has had regular activity, mostly on the school level,
but the...
Silver that shines twice than usual
Man, we fought mighty China today. No chance. It was never close. No
surprise. But they deserve all the merit. We still belong there on top,
among the best...
Scacchi: Enciclopedia pratica dei Gambetti
Marco Saba's Scacchi: Enciclopedia pratica dei Gambetti is an interesting
resource, offering over 700 database generated opening reports for various
Il y a 14 ans
IM Mark Ginsburg Presents A Personal Chess History
How Things Appear to Exist from their Own Side
The way the ‘I’ and phenomena appear to us, to our hallucinated mind, is
they are not merely labeled by mind. As long as these things appear to you
that wa...
Just Bragging
I have shown part of this game "all over the place". It is probably the
most amusing/sadistic fininsh I have executed. It takes a friendly and very
Uranus Discovered 244 Years Ago
Uranus was the first planet found with the aid of a telescope. It was
discovered on March 13, 1781, by astronomer William Herschel, although he
originally ...
Tournoi de Blitz intergalactique à Moscou
[image: DSC_0525]En clôture du tournoi de l’Aeroflot à l’hôtel Cosmos de
Moscou, le tournoi de blitz des participants, auquel se joignent des
joueurs mo...
Grandmaster Preparation - Thinking Inside the Box
by Jacob Aagaard (Quality Chess, 2017) In Thinking Inside the Box Jacob
Aagaard describes his chess improvement philosophy, developed over more
than twenty...
An argument for the fianchetto Grünfeld...
- that some strong amateurs don't know about moves like 7...Nb6! It's
annoying for the horsie on d5 not to have a buddy on c3 to trade lives
with, and ...
Grandmaster Preparation - Thinking Inside the Box
by Jacob Aagaard (Quality Chess, 2017) In Thinking Inside the Box Jacob
Aagaard describes his chess improvement philosophy, developed over more
than twenty...
An argument for the fianchetto Grünfeld...
- that some strong amateurs don't know about moves like 7...Nb6! It's
annoying for the horsie on d5 not to have a buddy on c3 to trade lives
with, and ...
Grandmaster Preparation - Thinking Inside the Box
by Jacob Aagaard (Quality Chess, 2017) In Thinking Inside the Box Jacob
Aagaard describes his chess improvement philosophy, developed over more
than twenty...
An argument for the fianchetto Grünfeld...
- that some strong amateurs don't know about moves like 7...Nb6! It's
annoying for the horsie on d5 not to have a buddy on c3 to trade lives
with, and ...
Camille est déjà une championne !
⭐ *Jouer une partie d'échecs* ➕ *L'actualité du jour* ➕ *3 exercices avec
leurs solutions* ➕ *nos conseils pour progresser* 🚀
👀 *Les majorités de pio...
An argument for the fianchetto Grünfeld...
- that some strong amateurs don't know about moves like 7...Nb6! It's
annoying for the horsie on d5 not to have a buddy on c3 to trade lives
with, and ...
An argument for the fianchetto Grünfeld...
- that some strong amateurs don't know about moves like 7...Nb6! It's
annoying for the horsie on d5 not to have a buddy on c3 to trade lives
with, and ...
Formats de fichiers en broderie numérique
← Version précédente Version du 4 mars 2025 à 23:51
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
Voici une liste de formats pour la broderie machine. J'ai généré ces
tableaux a...
Formidable participation : champ « organisme »
Le plugin Formulaire de participation à un évènement avec Formidable
fournissait jusqu'à sa version 5 la possibilité de définir l'organisme dont
est memb...
Holiday Season Six-Week Swiss Online
*Holiday Season Six-Week Swiss Online Register Online Now*
Date *Tuesday, November 19, 2024*
Event Format 6SS or Double Quad, 1 lichess game per ...
Ceux qui croient que la défense Française est tranquille feraient bien de
réviser leurs certitudes. Les pièges tactiques, les dames piègées, et les
Good Luck Algeria
Sam et Stéphane, deux amis d'enfance fabriquent avec succès des skis haut
de gamme jusqu'au jour où leur entreprise est menacée. Pour la sauver, ils
se l...
6 juin 1249
Les croisés menés par Saint Louis occupent sans combat la ville de
Damiette, principal port, au Moyen Âge, sur le grand bras oriental du Nil.
- CROIS...
RIP Malcolm Pyke
I am so very upset this morning to have learnt of the untimely passing of
my friend Malcolm Pyke. We happen to be friends on Facebook, too, and over
the la...
Openings and endings
*The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, *
*Moves on*
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
I was looking for a theme for today's post, and nearly picked th...
Some new chess rules passed by FIDE
You can read about it at Here are the first couple: At the
recent FIDE Congress, delegates from the 103 countries represented made
some rule cha...
Top 10 Best PC Monitors
LCD monitors are the cheapest and the most energy efficient type of
display. There are also very similar, so that choosing the appropriate
monitor can ...
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